

The µ-law algorithm (often u-law, ulaw, or mu-law) is a companding algorithm, primarily used in the digital telecommunication systems of North America and Japan.

  1. thus; thus written

Now that we've defined our terms, greetings, and welcome to mu(sic). I'll be using this blog to detail my projects, experiments, and experiences in music and technology. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a developer/composer studying Computer Science and Music Technology at Northeastern University. From a motion sensitive MIDI controller to a heap of electroacoustic compositions, compounded by my current attempts to make it into a graduate program at a university media lab, I am currently buried under a mountain of projects. This blog will be my way to make sense of it all, and to document my experiences along the way. Please stop by often to check for updates, and if you'd like, I can be contacted at grodin (dot) robby (at) gmail (dot) com.

Coming soon, to a blog near you:

  • I'll be visiting CNMAT at UC Berkeley and CCRMA at Stanford at the end of the month, and I'll document the visit here.
  • There are three compositions in the pipelines: an acousmatic piece, a vocal tape piece, and a mixed piece for piano, all of which will be posted on my soundcloud.
  • I am currently taking place in multiple research projects involving interactive interfacing with musical software and hardware.
  • November 5-6th is Boston Music Hack day, where I'll be coming up with something awesome with a few friends of mine. Make sure to check out the blog as the date approaches as I'll be live-blogging the event.
More to come!